Letter from the President: Mark Colvenbach

Hello SoACE members,

It’s hard to believe that we are already close to, or at, spring break for many of our schools. In addition, we are past the peak season for a good number our employer members. What a crazy and fast-paced semester I am guessing we all had.

We are now three-plus months past the annual conference in Atlanta. I would like to offer all members another challenge. Whether you attended the conference in December or not, I would like to suggest you consider making a small change or enhancement to what you are already doing. Each conference, webinar or phone call with a colleague offers an opportunity to implement a small nugget that can lead to a huge change and opportunity for your organization. With that, pull out your notes from the conference. Identify something you wrote down back in December that can possibly kick-start an idea you had always wanted to try in your office but never took the time to consider. In addition, there are a large number of opportunities SoACE has to offer via webinars, Knowledge Group conversations on Slack and member chats that can assist you with something you may be considering. Take this opportunity to take a deep breath, focus and test an idea out.

We want to hear from you. Share your best practice or idea with others. Get feedback and insight to this idea through the various SoACE channels to enhance and reality-test. It’s a great time of year to test out something new and use the summer to fine tune. In the meantime, please consider several other great avenues to gain insight to the best practices out there. Don’t forget to consider the Employer Relations Summit or webinar-based Technology Boot Camp. These annual programs can be an amazing resource to gain the latest and greatest to take your programs to the next level.

Please remember to share, seek feedback and make the most of the remaining Spring semester. We look forward to hearing about it.

Mark Colvenbach
2018-2019 SoACE President
The University of Tampa

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