Top Reasons to Renew Your SoACE Membership

Post by: Amanda L. Walker, Director of Career Services at Austin Peay State University

The Southern Association of Colleges and Employers, Inc. (SoACE) is an organization of human resources, college relations and career service professionals. Our mission is to promote partnerships between career services professionals and employers by providing innovative resources, professional development and networking opportunities to facilitate the career development and employment of students and alumni. SoACE is organized exclusively to create a common understanding between individuals in career services and college relations focused on the career development and employment of the college educated to:

  • Promote and foster relationships among the constituents
  • Serve as the voice of the profession for the southern region of the United States
  • Create and retain leaders in the profession by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and insight
  • Provide professional development and promote high professional standards
  • Identify trends, issues, challenges, and opportunities in the profession.

*(SoACE Website, 2015)


  1. RESOURCES: Did you know that SoACE offers monthly newsletters? SoACE keeps the membership up to date on policies, events, programming, national trending data, as well as, recognizing outstanding members. In addition, SoACE provides webinars throughout the year to spotlight topics that can help employers and career practitioners learn more on effective recruiting, career advising, and branding. SoACE also partners with our 16 state professional associations of colleges and employers to share specific statewide events, programming, and news. We support our members by sharing and providing information from all employer and career support networks!
  2. SUPPORTS ITS MEMBER’S RESEARCH INITIATIVES: SoACE offers research fellowship awards to members wishing to conduct research in the field (through an application and proposal process). In addition to supporting prospective research projects, SoACE creates an environment that is conducive to presenting and sharing research with its membership at its annual conferences. What other organization would offer to pay for your research and then provide you with a venue to explain it?! This is another example of why SoACE is a great organization. soacekglogo
  3. KNOWLEDGE GROUPS: We all have challenges that we face in our day to day roles in recruitment, management, or career advising. The Knowledge Groups were designed as a way to share current challenges, best practices, and a forum for discussion of national, regional, and university trends related to employment and career education. SoACE has 8 different Knowledge Group areas focusing on different content areas of our profession. Talk about a professional support group…and the best part is it’s included in the membership fee!
  4. OUR COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: The Southern Association of College and Employers is committed to attaining a pluralistic, diverse membership and providing access to all programs and resources to individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability or appearance. SoACE encourages the recruitment and professional development of individuals from all groups by continually developing, examining, and instituting policies, practices and procedures. In 2013, began and established an award to annually recognize an individual and a group/organization that has demonstrated a sustained commitment to the pursuit of diversity and inclusion in the community and workplace., We are an organizations that is committed to diversity and inclusion and we not only talk the talk but we walk the walk!
  5. CONTINUING EDUCATION: SoACE offers continuing education for participation in workshops and training sessions during the annual conference. SoACE is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events (or programs) that meet NBCC requirements. Sessions (or programs) for which NBCC-approved clock hours will be awarded are identified in the program bulletin (or in the catalogue or Web site). The ACEP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. SoACE is also is an HRCI approved Continuing Education Provider and may offer HRCI approved clock hours for events or programs that meet HRCI requirements. We are providing incentives for our members to continue their professional growth while being a member! june15.c1
  6. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: SoACE Annual Conference allows members great benefits such as, Network with career services and college recruiting colleagues, get up-to-date information on trends and issues affecting the profession, learn best practices that you can adapt for your program, benchmark with like organizations and institutions, explore new and emerging technologies, share challenges and solutions with your professional community, and learn about new products and services for the field that can help you cut costs and increase your productivity. Imagine the possibilities for professional growth and networking with individuals that you can request resources from to help aid you in your current position!
  7. OTHER SERVICES TO MEMBERS: SoACE offers several other services such as the job postings boards and consulting services. SoACE wants to help share jobs with the entire membership to help you fill your hiring needs. SoACE also wants to provide members with consulting services if requested. For a nominal fee, SoACE will help you establish a team that fits your needs as an employer or college which will allow for benchmarking in you field. Often, it takes an outsiders prospective to document challenges and opportunities for your employer or college. SoACE External Review Services does exactly that, they help benchmark what other colleges and universities are doing in the field as well as what other employers are doing in the field as well. Regardless if you need to fill a position or make the case for why you need additional team members, SoACE has you covered!

For current members, the renewal for your SoACE membership opens in July! And for those that are considering SoACE think of all the benefits you can receive as a member and most importantly the relationships you can build with colleagues in your field.


Amanda WalkerAmanda Walker serves as the Director of Career Services at Austin Peay State University. She has ten years of higher education experience, with the last seven in Career Services. Amanda has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Masters of Arts in Higher Education/Student Personnel from The University of Mississippi. She is currently in the dissertation phase pursuing a Doctor of Education  degree in Higher Education at Delta State University. Her expertise areas are employer relations and internships. Most recently she served as co-researcher on the National Study of Unpaid Internships in 2014 conducted by Intern Bridge, Inc. Amanda has presented in both regional and national conferences on Internships.

KG Update: Employer Relations Knowledge Group

soacekglogoOur Employer Relations Knowledge Group is on the move…

This year, the SoACE Employer Relations Knowledge Group (ERKG) jumpstarted a year of professional development with a planning session during the annual SoACE conference in New Orleans last December.  We leveraged the ideas from the group as a whole to set goals for the year.  Professional development activities that are planned include in-person activities; social media interaction and virtual webinars.

In February, the SoACE ERKG 2015 hosted its first Tweet Chat on the topic of Employer Relations in Public vs. Private Universities and Colleges.  In April, Courtney Edwards from Louisiana State University & Erica Lake from the University of South Carolina hosted a webinar on Creating an Employer Drive-In Conference.  Over 50 SoACE members registered and 30 logged in to learn best practices about hosting these events for employers.

The next opportunity to connect with other professionals in the Employer Relations Knowledge Group will be on Wed., May 27th, 2015 at 12 pm EST/11 am CST during a Tweet Chat led by Denise Rudolph from James Madison University on the topic Challenges We Face in Employer Relations.  To participate sign on at using your Twitter account information, then join the conversation with #soaceerkg.

We are very excited to see the longtime idea of hosting an event to help employer relations professionals learn and grow come to fruition at the Inaugural Employer Relations Summit that will be held in conjunction with the SoACE Board this June.  The event is an institute-style conference with longer sessions to allow participants to “dive deep” into topics.  Keynote speaker, Myrna Hoover, Director of the Florida State University Career Center will share information from her book Employer Relations and Recruitment: An Essential Part of Postsecondary Career Services.  Additionally, there will be round table topics that allow participants to discuss hot issues in Employer Relations.

We are so excited that the event has been welcomed with so much interest that registration has reached capacity.  We look forward to the learning that will occur at this new event!  Special thanks to the Conference Chair, V’Rhaniku Haynes from Florida State University and former SoACE board Director of Professional Development, Amy Diepenbrock from St. Mary’s University for all of their leadership in making this event a reality for our membership.  Additionally, we also thank Emory University for hosting us on June 24 – 26 in Atlanta, GA!

We are excited about the remainder of the year and are thankful to our Employer Relations Knowledge Group leadership for all of their hard work this year!

Update submitted by Employer Relations Knowledge Group Chair, Erica Lake. Erica is the Associate Director for Employer Relations at the University of South Carolina Career Center.

Thank you for your email! e-Disarming Students, Employers, Colleagues and More

Post By Claire Childress, Senior Assistant Director, Virginia Tech Career Services


Thank you for your email? Seriously? With over 160 right now in my In Box? Who are you kidding? Yes, it may sound unusual, but that’s what disarming students or other stakeholders is all about. How can you make yourself approachable and build that rapport electronically? You have an electronic image to convey – what do you want it to look like?

One part of Disarm, the first of the six phases of appreciative advising consists of “a warm welcome,” which should happen electronically and in person (Bloom et al, 35-41). This phase is all about making the student, employer, co-worker or parent feel comfortable before you begin the rest of your email or conversation.


Graphic from:

Opening Email                                                 

Consider the opening of your email reply. Typing a greeting, like Hi Claire, personalizes your message. The sound people like to hear most is their name. Next, saying Thank you for your email accomplishes several things:

  1. This statement sets an initial positive tone for whatever kind of information you are about to share.
  2. Such an initial impression also lets the sender know that you are glad he/she reached out to you.
  3. Typing these words is always a reminder to me that I am grateful for the critical role I have the privilege of playing as an advisor to students or as a supervisor to my team.

Your Email Signature

Think of your email signature as your billboard. What information needs to be there to make contacting you an easy process? What else do you want your stakeholders to know about you? In our office at Virginia Tech, many advisors share their Signature Themes from their Gallup Strengths Finder assessment. Some share a favorite quote while others share links to LinkedIn, a favorite professional organization, or a blog.

Who are you?

We all know before many students or others meet with us, they are going to check us out online. What view of you do students see? A cold, all business picture? That’s fine if that’s the view you want to convey. Since I’m old enough to be a student’s Mom, on our staff page, I share a photo of me with the Hokie Bird, trying to make my image a less scary one.

Who is your office?

When a student pulls up your web site, what is the first thing the student sees? A building? A bunch of words? What do you want them to see? How about your most valuable resource to share, your people? Adding photos of your staff working with students and employers lessens that cold, clinical feel a student may get if she/he wants to see just who is this career center by viewing us online. And, is information about your staff easy to locate? I’ve been on a number of sites recently where I’ve had to go on a scavenger hunt to try and find staff contact information. Do you really want to make it that hard for your stakeholders to contact you?

You may already be doing a lot of these practices to make yourself e-Disarming. I think that’s why appreciative advising really resonated with me when I first learned about this philosophy, because I was already doing a number of the recommended practices. But, we can all improve, like the final phase of appreciative advising, Don’t Settle emphasizes. How can you be better?


If you want to join the conversation and learn more about appreciative advising, please join Ali Woodworth and me for a SoACE Webinar on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT for Applying Appreciative Advising to Help Students Plan Their Career Journey.


For more information on appreciative advising:

Bloom, Jennifer L., Hutson, Bryant L., and He, Ye. The Appreciative Advising Revolution. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing, 2008.

Claire Childress, Senior Assistant Director, Career Services AuxiliaryClaire Childress, Virginia Tech Career Services Senior Assistant Director for Job Search and Graduate School Preparation, advises students and leads a team of advisors and a portfolio of services and programs. A 2012 graduate of the Appreciative Advising Institute and appreciative advising advocate, Claire presented a 3-part Intern Bridge webinar series on chaos theory and appreciative advising with Ms. Ali Woodworth in October 2014 and presented a webinar with Dr. Jennifer Bloom on appreciative advising and career services in April 2013. A former President of the Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers, Claire currently serves as SoACE Director of Professional Development. She writes regularly for her career advising blog, CareerChassé. Connect with Claire: LinkedIn | See full bio HERE.