Mingle Like You Mean It

Mingle Like You Mean It

Mingle like you mean it in 2016!

Are you preparing for a career fair reception during Spring Semester? An event at a state, regional or national conference? Some other occasion? Here are a few tips taken from a presentation we give to students to help you mingle like you mean it at your next networking event.

What’s your goal? For example, at previous conferences, I’ve set a goal to meet at least two college members who work with engineering students or with helping students articulate their global experiences. Those are two of my areas of responsibility and I want to hear best practices others may have to share.


Trialogue. Huh? Let’s say I meet an employer at a career fair reception who is trying to find liberal arts students for a current opening. I go looking for my colleague who works with students in that college on our campus so she can point the employer in the right direction. That’s a trialogue. You find out what someone you meet is seeking and connect them to a contact you know or just met who could help them.

Who can you to talk to? Do you see any loners? They are good people to walk up to and start a conversation. Or join a group and wait for a break in the conversation. And, if you notice someone joining your group, be sure you invite that person into the discussion. If you see a couple in conversation, keep walking, as their discussion might be private.


Good-bye. Know when to say it. Remember, you are trying to mingle, so after you’ve visited with someone for about ten minutes, ask for a business card, explaining you’re departing TO: try the food, find a colleague, get a drink, find the rest room or make a phone call. Be sure you do whatever you say.

Follow up. A major benefit of attending a conference, reception or other event is the contacts we make whom we can call in a month or two to find out more about the majors a particular employer seeks or about that great product students really like that your office is considering.

Try these suggestions at your next event and watch your mingling improve.

These tips are based on information shared from the following sources:

Judith Bowman. Don’t Take the Last Donut: New Rules of Business Etiquette.

Deborah H. Jacobs. How to work a room like you own the place. http://www.forbes.com/sites/deborahljacobs/2012/02/29/how-to-work-a-room-like-you-own-the-place/

Alex Mandossian. How to Network At Business Events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBOTqM1KFWw&feature=player_detailpage

Susan RoAne. How to Work a Room: A Guide to Successfully Managing the Mingling. Newest book: How to Work a Room, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections–In Person and Online

Devora Zack. Networking for People Who Hate Networking.


Claire Childress, Senior Assistant Director, Career Services AuxiliaryClaire Childress, Virginia Tech Career Services Senior Assistant Director for Job Search and Graduate School Preparation advises students and leads a team of advisors and a portfolio of services and programs. Prior to over 19 years at Virginia Tech, she worked in distance education and as an adjunct faculty member at New River Community College, as a healthcare marketer and as a banker. A former President of the Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers, Claire currently serves as SoACE Director of Professional Development. She writes regularly for her career advising blog,CareerChasse. Connect with Clair at childrec@vt.edu or on LinkedIn.

Register TODAY for the 2015 SoACE Conference

Austin, TX
Austin, TX

The Call for Programs has closed and the conference committee is hard at work selecting the best sessions for YOU to attend during the December conference in Austin, TX!  We are excited about the outstanding quality of programs that have been submitted and we will be notifying those selected to present in the coming weeks.  Additionally, keynote speakers are currently being finalized and we can’t wait to share their bios with you soon.

Don’t delay on your conference registration.  Secure your spot today by registering and booking your hotel stay.  More information can be found at http://www.soace.org/conference-registration.


Top 10 Tips for Networking as an Introvert

Post by Tiffany I. Waddell, Assistant Director for Career Development at Davidson College.


Graphic from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ghozttramp/15390041831

So… being an introvert does NOT mean you don’t have social skills.  As career development folks, we all know this, right?  Right.  However, it does mean that for many of us, being around lots of people at one time can be draining.  I am what you might consider an “expressive” introvert, so I am often mistaken as an extrovert.  While both preferences have strengths and weaknesses, I love the fact that I am introspective – enjoy real conversations [read: no small talk] – and can still make connections in a myriad of contexts.  However, given that my day to day professional life requires me to talk to many different people, and I am fairly involved in our state association, I thought it might be helpful to share my top 10 tips that help me manage networking situations.

1. Find the Bar! Whether or not you’re drinking, it’s always a great idea to position yourself at a healthy distance from the bar.  Many people start here when they get to a networking event in order to take a break from a potentially overwhelming space.  You can easily strike up a conversation as people turn around with a drink in their hand.  Note: If you don’t drink but need an alternative/faux option, try a little seltzer water with a splash of cranberry.  Works for me every time!

2. Set reasonable expectations. When attending an event, prep yourself mentally for what you are there to do.  Is your goal to meet more people? Is it to learn more about the organization’s culture? Is it to meet one or two specific people? Make sure you set reasonable expectations before hand, so that you have a goal in mind.  It is a great way to keep you from getting overwhelmed, too.

3. Start a conversation with a loner.  It’s usually easier to start a conversation with someone who is standing alone, because they will most likely be happy to have someone to talk to – and as a result, are often more personable and easier to connect with.

4. Avoid barging into groups.  A cluster of more than 4 people can be awkward – and tough to enter.  Join the group on one side, but don’t try to enter the conversation until you’ve made eye contact with each person at least one time.  Usually, people will make room to add you to the “circle” of conversation, and you can introduce yourself then!

5. “Look mom, no hands!” Keep at least one hand free at all times!  This means no eating and drinking at the same time if you are at a networking mixer or conference reception; this way, you can still shake hands with people without being awkward and fumbling around.

6. Be yourself. Networking events are meant as starting points for professional relationships. If you can’t be yourself – and you aren’t comfortable in your own skin, then the people you meet will be connecting with someone you’re impersonating, and not the real you. Be genuine.  Authenticity tends to attract much of the same.

7. Be present, and engaged. Ever talked to someone that acts like you’re the only person in the room?  Someone who listens, and makes you feel like everything you are saying is important?  I love those people!  They really make you feel heard.  Keep eye contact, and lean in or tilt your body towards people when you talk to them.  Not in a creepy way – but in an, “I’m listening to you, and I’m fully present” kinda way.

8. Treat people like friends. Unless, of course, you are a terrible friend. Would you go to a friend and interrupt their conversation, hand over a business card, and walk away?  No.  Networking events are not transactions.  Treat new people as you’d treat your friends – built rapport, be trustworthy, and then talk shop.

9. 72 hour rule. After a conference or networking event, you have about 72 hours to followup with a person on LinkedIn or via email.  Reference something that you talked about, and ask what the best way to stay connected might be.  After 72 hours – they just might have forgotten you.

10. Practice makes perfect. Well, not really perfect.  Progress is always better than perfection! The point here is that networking is a skill, like any other professional skill.  It is a muscle that you have to develop and grow.  While others may look like born networkers, they are more than likely just more experienced with it.  Mistakes may happen, but the only way to learn is to get out there and do it!

What tips and advice do YOU have that have worked for you when networking?

Tiffany Waddell, ContributorTiffany I. Waddell is the Assistant Director for Career Development at Davidson College. She has coached hundreds of budding young professionals on how to create strategic action plans for academic and career-related goals. Affectionately known for her “tough love”approach to coaching and people development, she is an avid connector of people and ideas. Connect with Tiffany on Twitter @tiffanyiwaddell or via email at tiwaddell@davidson.edu