Member Spotlight: Heather Scarboro

Heather Scarboro serves as the Senior Assistant Director of Employer Relations at the Florida State University Career Center.  Originally, from Georgia she has worked at Georgia Southern University and the College of Charleston during her career services professional life.  Heather earned both her Bachelor of English and Master of Education in Instructional Technology at Georgia Southern University.  Currently, she serves as the Social Media Chair for SoACE. She can be reached at or on LinkedIn at

How did you get into the Career Services profession?

I was one of those people who fell into the field then loved it so much I did not want to leave.  During my graduate program (to be a school librarian), I served as graduate assistant at Georgia Southern University’s Career Services.  And halfway through my grad program I realized I wanted to continue to work with college students and employers versus the K-12 environment.

Describe your SoACE Experience. How did you get involved and how has that experience influenced you? (feel free to elaborate on your current role or past roles)

In past positions, I had co-workers very involved in the association so I had heard details and many positive things about SoACE, but I was not a member until joining the staff at Florida State University. In 2014 I was able to attend my first conference and it’s been a dedicated member ever since.  I decided to join the SoACE Marketing Sub-Committee after having a conversation with Stephanie Bird with UNCC, a member of the Conference Committee at the time, about getting more involved in the association. Social media has not only been a fun pastime, but also a part of many of my Career Services roles.   I have now spent 3 years as a member of the Marketing Committee and now chair the Social Media Committee for the last year.  Serving on a committee is a great way to learn more about happenings in the association, and has allowed me to get to know committee members from across the region—which I love!

What advice do you have for new professionals who aspire to get more involved in the profession?

As a bit of an introvert, which I know there are more of us out there, it was a little daunting at first to get involved.  However, I would recommend joining a committee in SoACE – as an introvert, this has allowed me the opportunity to get to know members from across the region and really build my professional and social network.

What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?

I ran my first half marathon in spring 2017.  Running a half-marathon is a goal I never thought I would see on my bucket list, let alone complete; however, with a mission to live a healthy lifestyle, this feat became a milestone toward a future of healthy action and living. It was both the most uplifting and brutal experience of my life (questioned some life choices about mile nine, ha ha).  I am now training to run my second half marathon in fall 2018, working to better my time and continuing to improve on my healthy lifestyle goals.

How have the relationships you have built over the years impacted your career?

It was because of relationships I built in my graduate assistantship that really launched me into this career.  My supervisor, Dorsey Baldwin, and the other staff there were so passionate about helping students and working with employers that I fell in love with the field. I then launched into a professional career in Career Services taking positions at College of Charleston, Georgia Southern, and now at Florida State University, and my passion and commitment to the field continues to grow.    So many of the people I am blessed to work with inspire me every day because they truly love their jobs – not many people can say that.

What are some of your hobbies when not working?

I am an avid reader (you can always find me with a book or my Kindle), I attempt to run, love to travel to new destinations and have a bucket list of locations that I am slowing chipping away – I went to Scotland this summer!